Meeting foundations was very important for me! It was a way of directly seeing what the foundations were doing in their own countries and it was also a great opportunity to actually meet people with Down syndrome. 

I will have to admit that the most complicated part of creating the D2020 WORLD Project was to get in contact with the foundations all around the world because they had to follow a certain number of characteristics. The first one being the language barrier. It was very important for me to be able to communicate with everyone I was going to meet and make sure that I could receive the correct message they wanted to share with me. The second characteristic was geopolitics. As fancy it may sound, going to a country that is not a hundred percent safe was definitely not an option. This was quite tricky because for example I did have to turn down the invitation of the Down syndrome foundation in Bangladesh who had nicely answered my email and was ready to be part of the project. Meeting people with Down syndrome in Dhaka would have been a great experience but both the French and the British embassies did not recommend traveling there so unfortunately I had to cancel. One important characteristic was also the location of the foundation. If I was going to do a world tour it had to be "on the way". It would have made no sense visiting a country in Central America and then another one in Eastern Africa. Therefore, choosing a foundation also depended on the available flights.

You will already find my posts on these following countries. Follow us on our social media to discover when new posts will be published:

  • IMPORTANT: Please do keep in mind that every opinion on foundations, the people, the countries, are completely personal and do not necessarily reflect the ideas or the opinions of the foundations I have met. I decided to be completely honest with what I was writing especially knowing that this project is ONLY financed by me, therefore it has no need to express an opinion that is not mine. The D2020 World Project is about comparing different way of integrating people with Down syndrome around the world and we want to promote diversity and people being open minded. Everything that is published on this website is my personal opinion and if you believe something should be modified please do not hesitate to contact me. 

Thank you and enjoy! 
